To be Creative

“I wish I was creative like you”, they say. Being a creative is sometimes a blessing and a curse. Let me explain.

Much of my adult life has been spent hustling in real estate and banking. It has been good to me. As a father of four, stability has meant everything, and banking has provided that. The challenge is that the banking world has done very little in stimulating the creative part of my brain. Aside from the random power point presentation creation, I rarely have an opportunity to flex creatively in my day to day.

Along comes photography. As a former fine arts student, I studied drawing and painting. As part of that curriculum, I did a few photography classes along the way. Back then, digital photography was just breaking out and everything was done in a dark room. That wasn’t fun for me. It was stressful! It took all of the fun out of the shoot, because I could easily mess it all up in the dark room. I hated that. (No offense to my film shooting friends!). So, photography wasn’t it for me.

Fast forward twenty years, and well, things have changed. In 2021, I fell head over heels in love with photography. It was an immediate “where have you been all my life” type of moment. For years, we had a Nikon DSLR camera that honestly just stressed me out. I used it only when my wife remembered we had it and would say “Why don’t you bring the GOOD camera”. Like the dark room, it brought me stress. (Yes, I have some anxiety challenges at times). Shooting with my cell phone was just fine for capturing the many precious moments that came with fatherhood, but in 2021 that all changed.

In June of 2021, I bought a Canon m50 Markii. That little thing was incredible to me. I had the ability to point and shoot, but fine tune and manipulate images all within the camera body. It changed my life. Seriously. It was exactly what was missing from my day to day. You see, as a creative you can get so caught up in everything else, you forget how truly important it is to flex those muscles. With that little camera, I could work all day knowing that I had that camera waiting for me. I would shoot any and everything. Kids sports, fishing adventures, my truck, random people, architecture, birds, you name it!

Photography had given me what I was looking for. That much needed creative release outside of work. Over two years, I stockpiled my images only to share an occasional shot here or there. Much like my time in art school, I lacked confidence and suffered Imposter Syndrome. I felt extreme anxiety in putting myself out there.

This all changed in June of 2023. Just a few short months ago, I decided to take the plunge and build an Instagram account solely focused on my photography. It was amazing. I have been posting a photo daily for almost three months. Without obsessing over the likes or amount of followers, I have loved watching it grow. In fact, on Father’s Day I broke down and told my wife and kids. They were super excited for me and have enjoyed watching me grow my audience.

Soon after that, I launched I continue to dump new edits and adventures along the way. I even have a page to where people can purchase prints, should they feel inclined! It still blows my mind that people have chosen to do so.

So, just like that I was stumbling through a midlife crisis wondering what my purpose was in life and photography came along and slapped me across the face! It allows me to work my 9 to 5 without issue, and create when time permits. I know it’s there and that alone gives me peace.

If you too are a creative, then you understand everything I am saying. Find that release for yourself. It can change your life. I just wish I had realized this many years ago. Now is the time. Just do it!

If you can relate, please comment below. What is your release?


I’m Exhausted